

Do you know about aburafu-don?
Aburafu-don is a rice bowl topped with aburafu (fried wheat flour gluten) and spring onion cooked in broth with a lightly cooked egg. It is an original dish from Tome city, a city located north of Miyagi prefecture. It is famous for producing aburafu. The taste is similar to oyakodon, (literally means: parent and child bowl, that is, chicken and egg :p) but the texture is softer. I personally prefer abutafu's texture. The preparation time is rather fast. First, we boil dashi (the basic of Japanese cooking stock) and put the spring onion until it softened. Then put the cut aburafu and shimmer it a little bit. Next step is to put a beaten egg on top of it. Let it cook for a while and put it on top of hot rice. Easy isn't it!?
FYI, they have a club/circle for aburafudon fans, check it out here.

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