
たきぐち果樹園(Takiguchi Orchard)

Assalamualikum and hello everyone
Have you all tried to eat fresh peach (momo in Japanese) from the orchard before? If the answers is NO, I emphasize you to experience peach picking at “たきぐち果樹園(Takiguchi Orchard)” located in Yamagata prefecture, roughly around 1 hour 30 minutes drive from the city of Sendai. With a reasonable price of 800 yen per adult, you can enjoy eating juicy, sweet and fresh peach without limit during 1 hour. Make sure you make a reservation with the farm owner before visiting.
Address.... たきぐち果樹園 999-3727山形県東根市野川 2459
Telephone.... 0237-44-1957
Although the season of peach picking is over, you can try apple picking from now on. Please have a try…You will enjoy it, InsyaAllah.

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